
This modules enables applying functions to Fuzzy Sets.

real_to_real uses the simple method of apply a function element-wise to the set.

Apply uses the grid method to apply a function to a set. This enables functions with more than one fuzzy set as an input.

fuzzy_sets.functions.apply(func: Callable[[float], float], *input_sets: FuzzySet) FuzzySet

Applies a function to any number of fuzzy sets using the alpha cut method


You must provide as many fuzzy sets as the function expects inputs.

  • func (Callable[[float], float]) – The function to the provided fuzzy sets

  • *input_sets (FuzzySet) – The fuzzy sets to apply the function to

  • TypeError – If any fuzzy set does not contain real number values (e.g. strings)

  • ValueError – If the number of fuzzy sets does not match the number of inputs the function expects


The resulting fuzzy set

Return type:



>>> die_high_scores = FuzzySet(
                            FuzzySetMember(1, 0.1),
                            FuzzySetMember(2, 0.2),
                            FuzzySetMember(3, 0.4),
                            FuzzySetMember(4, 0.6),
                            FuzzySetMember(5, 0.8),
                            FuzzySetMember(6, 1.0),
>>> print("Die high scores:", die_high_scores)
Die high scores: 1/0.1 + 2/0.2 + 3/0.4 + 4/0.6 + 5/0.8 + 6/1.0
>>> squared = fuzzy_sets.functions.apply(lambda x: x**2, die_high_scores)
>>> print("Squared:", squared)
Squared: 1/0.1 + 4/0.2 + 9/0.4 + 16/0.6 + 25/0.8 + 36/1.0
>>> die_low_scores = FuzzySet(
                            FuzzySetMember(1, 1.0),
                            FuzzySetMember(2, 0.8),
                            FuzzySetMember(3, 0.6),
                            FuzzySetMember(4, 0.4),
                            FuzzySetMember(5, 0.2),
                            FuzzySetMember(6, 0.1),
>>> print("Die low scores:", die_low_scores)
Die low scores: 1/1.0 + 2/0.8 + 3/0.6 + 4/0.4 + 5/0.2 + 6/0.1
>>> added = fuzzy_sets.functions.apply(lambda x, y: x + y, die_high_scores, die_low_scores)
>>> print("Added:", added)
2/0.1 + 12/0.1 + 3/0.2 + 11/0.2 + 4/0.4 + 10/0.4 + 5/0.6 + 9/0.6 + 6/0.8 + 8/0.8 + 7/1.0
fuzzy_sets.functions.get_alpha_overlap(alpha_ranges: list[tuple[float, float]]) tuple[float, float]
Takes in a list of alpha ranges and returns the overlapping alpha range

This is used by the apply function to find if a given combination of alpha ranges overlap.


*alpha_ranges (tuple[float, float]) – A list of alpha ranges


The overlapping alpha range

Return type:

tuple[float, float]


>>> get_alpha_overlap((0, 0.5), (0.25, 0.75))
(0.25, 0.5)
fuzzy_sets.functions.real_to_real(func: Callable[[float], float], fuzzy_set: FuzzySet) FuzzySet

Takes in a function and a fuzzy set and returns a new fuzzy set with the function applied to each member’s value

The function must take in a single real number and return a single real number.

  • func (Callable[[float], float]) – The function to apply to each member’s value

  • fuzzy_set (FuzzySet) – The fuzzy set to apply the function to


TypeError – If the fuzzy set does not contain real values


The new fuzzy set with the function applied to each member’s value

Return type:



>>> fuzzy_set = FuzzySet({FuzzySetMember(1, 1), FuzzySetMember(2, 0.5), FuzzySetMember(3, 0.25)})
>>> print(fuzzy_set)
1/1 + 2/0.5 + 3/0.25
>>> squared = real_to_real(lambda x: x ** 2, fuzzy_set)
>>> print(squared)
1/1 + 4/0.5 + 9/0.25